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Trigeminal Neuralgia

TMJ Treatments We Do

Trigeminal neuralgia or tic douloureux is one of the most debilitating pain conditions. Patients suffering from this type of facial pain often describe it as “the worst possible pain that they have experienced.” Pain is typically electric-shock like and affects the same location of the face (along the course of one of the trigeminal nerve). Patients often have triggers such as cold air or brushing or shaving or washing the face. It can affect males or females and tends to occur more after the age of 50 years. Pain can occur frequently and tends to be very debilitating. Trigeminal neuralgia is thought to occur due to irritation of the trigeminal nerve; uncommonly it can occur due to a blood vessel applying pressure on the trigeminal nerve in the brain or a brain tumor or multiple sclerosis.

Diagnosis involves history, examination and MRI of the brain to rule out a brain pathology. Treatment of Trigeminal neuralgia ranges from medications, steroid injections, antibiotic injections, Botulinum toxin injections, topical medications etc. If you suspect that you are suffering from Trigeminal neuralgia, you should consult your primary physician right away. Most cases respond well to anti seizure medications (such as Oxcarbazepine or Gabapentin). Cases that do not respond to medications should seek consultation with specialist including orofacial pain, neurologist or neurosurgeon.

New Office

Dr. Chandwani is now available in Mamaroneck/Norwalk at
515 Halstead Ave, Mamaroneck NY
& 83 East Ave, Norwalk

Tel: 203-842-8658

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